Monday, October 20, 2008

Papers, Please

Taking the bus in Denver? Denver PD might arrest you.... just because they can.

I'm not a fan of the ACLU, and this actually happened about four years ago, with the charges ultimately dropped....but just that it happened at all makes me think that dropping them some bucks might not be a bad idea.


Unknown said...

Interesting one, that! I'm with the woman - you shouldn't need to show ID simply because the cop demands it.

If the cop asks your name, you do have to give it: the Supremes decided that a name wasn't covered by the 5th. The reasoning was baffling, to say the least: it was along the lines of "if you have done nothing wrong, you have nothing to fear"...

I know one of the conditions for holding a green card is that you have to be able to produce it for any Federal Officer asking; it used to be worded that anyone could ask for it! I also know that wallets get stolen, so I keep mine firmly locked up. I take it out when I need it, and that's all.

Governments the world over are using terrorism as an excuse to monitor, curtail and "protect" the populations they are responsible to. George Orwell must be spinning so fast, he could probably power a small city.

Carolyn Ann

PS I'm a big fan of the ACLU; upon gaining that citizenship, it's one of the first organizations I will join! :-)

Cerulean Bill said...

Things like this scare me a lot. Even more than a McCain win, I think. The running joke is 'If xxxxx occurs, then the terrorists win' -- but in this case, its true.