Sunday, October 05, 2008


From a Sprint ad:

A Blackberry PDA is shown, with this text on its screen:
J, need you to spearhead deliverables for user-centric platform -
create onboarding opportunities. Cheers, -M.

Please tell me actual people don't really talk that way.


genderist said...

No way. It'd never be texted in a complete sentence without fake words. It's way more likely to say:

J- need u del 4 u-c-p; create onboard opps M

Cerulean Bill said...

You're not helping!!!!

Lone Chatelaine said...

Ugh, that is exactly how my director talks. I hate that word..."deliverables". She uses that all the time.

Cerulean Bill said...

Deliverables I can almost handle. The onboarding gets me. I'm not a big fan of portmanteau words. At least, the clumsy ones.

Unknown said...

As Scott Adams once said: if you can understand that, we feel sorry for you.

Or something like that. :-)

Carolyn Ann